Thursday, June 26, 2014

Supporting Professional Learning In Practice

As mentioned in the previous blog I wrote, professional learning is supported by providing choice and promoting inclusion of all. These are all great ideas in theory but in practice what structures and events need to be in place to ensure that this actually will work? There are four major ideas that have emerged through our experience in the implementation of this plan: 1. Time must be embedded, 2. Whole staff events are organized with the intent of promoting cross-pollination of ideas, 3. Communication of the vision must be clear and 4. Making the work visible for others must be a primary purpose.

The greatest barrier to all professional learning within a building is time. There is never enough time to do the professional learning that we intend. The immediate needs of the classroom far outweigh what is often perceived as an additional thing that I need to do. Here are some ideas we have implemented to have more time: 1. shorten instructional time slightly to give time back to teachers (we have 30 minutes of contact time Monday through Thursday); 2. meeting times on a monthly basis is modified to provide additional professional learning time; and 3. having 10 non- instructional days, 7 of which are driven by departmental and individual work. Other ideas may be to set aside regularly 10-15 minutes of whole staff meeting time or department meeting time to engage in professional learning conversations. As Stoll, Fink and Earl (2003) like to write, “It’s about learning and It’s about time”.

Organizing whole staff events are at the core of the sharing opportunities that we provide. In addition, these whole staff events are key moments for us to organize collaborative groups and clarify the work we are undertaking. Here are some of the events that we have implemented. The first example is one where staff members are given the opportunity to explore the three different approaches to professional learning (action research, peer coaching, and PLCs). This was a time to come to a common understanding of the three different approaches and establish groups. These groups would then form norms of interaction. A second example is running a mini-convention. This was a great sharing opportunity. Sessions were put forward and facilitated by staff members and other staff members would choose which session suited their interest and needs best. A third event was a sharing and celebrating event. During this time staff were given time to prepare and share the work that they had been doing throughout the year.  A final example was one we did at the beginning of the second year. We hosted a “Revisiting, Reviewing and Revising” day where staff were given the time to adjust the focus of their work, form new groups, and chose a different approach should they have discovered their first choice was not working for them. Embedded within all of these different events is the idea that the event must promote conversation, leading to a cross-pollination of ideas and that it must be inclusive of everyone on staff.

Upon receiving feedback about areas of growth it became apparent for the need to enhance the communication of the professional learning within the building. Communication originally was exclusive to whole staff meeting, staff e-mails and during whole staff events. The committee that organized the professional learning was comprised of individuals from a number of different departmental groups but did not have representation from everyone. These individuals would share the work of the committee and obtain feedback during their regular departmental meetings or through informal conversations. Enhancements to this communication model included the following: creation of posters to be distributed through work spaces in the building to help make visible the mission and goals of the professional learning, distribution of a summative report to all Learning Leaders from each department in the building, and the creation of an orientation handout for new staff. It is through strong communication where misconceptions and ideas are addressed and clarified for staff. In the absence of clear information individuals are likely to generate and share misinformation.

Finally is the effort to share our work with others. There are a number of different approaches that we have used to help capture the professional learning that is happening and then showing it back to staff. These would include: asking staff to document groups goals, focus and norms of interaction; staff members use poster paper to share ideas, laminating them and showing them back to staff at other times throughout the year; providing staff members a hash-tag to use digital media such as “Twitter” to record ideas, comments and suggestions that occurred throughout whole staff professional development events; using post it notes and posting them on a whiteboard making ideas visible to others. These are few of the ideas that we used to help in an effort to share our work with others.

Professional learning is at the core of teaching and learning. As part of the High school redesign initiative we are called into professional learning where: structures are created to better support new types of learning relationships; collaboration and shared decision making are encouraged; administrators participate in the learning community and expand their leadership roles; teachers build and have access to a growing repertoire of approaches to learning; teachers work together to improve the design and delivery of the curriculum (Alberta Education, 2011). It is my feeling that the professional development vision that we have created and are using meets all of these requirements.


 Alberta Education (2011). Educators Roles and Professional Development. Retrieved from:

Stoll, L. ,Fink, D., & Earl, L. (2003) It’s About Learning (and It’s About Time):What’s in it for Schools?. New York, NY: RoutledgeFalmer.

Supporting Professional Learning- Empowering Staff through Choice and Inclusion

At the current school that I teach, we have implemented a three year plan for our professional learning. Currently we are ending year two of the plan. The mission that we have with regards to professional learning is two-fold: 1. promoting innovation of practice through collaboration, and 2. making our work visible for others.

The vision that we are using is summarized in the following diagram:


The plan appears to be complex at first but has within it a number of different ideas. Fundamental to its implementation is the idea that leadership must actively let go and provide time and choice in the professional learning that their staff members are involved in. Secondly, the way in which the plan is implemented must be inclusive of all members on staff, in that way all are valued for their contribution to the growth and development of the teaching and learning that happens within the building.

The question arises at what structures and events must be in place to help ensure that these ideals are put into action. Firstly, the introduction of evidence based professional learning. It is imperative that staff members are made aware of the fact that highly effective professional learning happens when problems of practice are at the center of the conversation. Those problems only will arise as a result of the use of student work and data, which provides insight into the learning that is happening within that individual’s experience. There are three approaches that are heavily supported by the literature (W. Auger & R. Wilderman, 2000; R. DuFour, 2007; M. Evans, P. Lomax, & H. Morgan, 2000; S. Scott & F.C. Webber, 2008; B. Showers & B. Joyce, 1996; D. Sparks, & S. Hirsh, 2000). in which teachers become co-researchers of learning. Those approaches include: Action Research, Peer Coaching and Professional Learning Communities. (PLC).

Given the fact that these approaches exist, the first act of letting go is not to marry your staff members to one approach. Each approach has its unique value and each may be best suited for different individuals. As a result, within this model staff members are given the option to choose which approach they would like to use.

The second act of letting go is in the acknowledgement that every context is different and each individual has specific needs that are very difficult to meet in a one-size fits all approach. As leadership recognizes this fact there is an inherent need to allow staff members to choose what the focus is of their professional learning. For example, a science teacher may choose to do an action research project at a high school on the implementation of a philosophy of education that is grounded in early childhood education. They may want to explore what the implications are for a change to their practice while still maintaining the rigor of their discipline. This project is great for that individual or even a group of individuals in that context but may not suite teachers in the physical education department. The focus of the work that is chosen by individuals whom we recognize as professional is best chosen by that professional.

It is also through this act of letting go of “what” individuals will work on and “the approach” that they will use that you have created a more inclusive setting. Educators from all areas are included in this model as they are given choice through the self-selection of the topic they are focusing their learning on, best suited for their context, and the evidence based approach to the their work which best suits their needs.

Collaboration is another foundation of inclusion. Having a requirement that all teachers must work with someone, but providing them the opportunity to work with someone by choice is also inclusive. Having the flexibility for those individuals to choose someone within the building or someone outside is an extension of trust which is paramount to creating a collaborative culture within your team. Forcing individuals to work on a problem of practice that is not directly related to both individuals that have entered into a professional learning contract are being set up for failure. It is important to recognize that I am not stating that they should not participate in a cross curricular work, but it is important to avoid the creation of contrived professional groups where staff are expected to comply as opposed to becoming engaged with their work. Ensuring that there is an expectation of this collaborative approach helps to open conversations, generate new ideas and provides the opportunity to share our work with each other. In the act of having a common purpose, such as improving the learning experience of all students, and working on it together with others you are being inclusive. Providing choice is an act of acknowledgment of individuals as professionals.

Professional learning is a very personal experience. Teachers who are given choice are more valued. Structures that are evaluated through an ethic of critique are more inclusive. Trust is extended through letting go and as a result a more collaborative culture emerges. This model of professional development is one which has experienced success at achieving this end. Read my next blog post to answer the question of how we put this theory into practice?


Auger, Wendy & Wilderman, Ron (Fall 2000). Using action research to open the door to lifelong professional learning. Education. 121, (1), 120-127.

DuFour, R. (2007). Professional learning communities: A bandwagon, an idea worth considering, or our best hope for high levels of learning?. Middle School Journal, 39(1), 4-8.

Evans, M., Lomax, P. & Morgan, H. (November 2000). Closing the circle: Action research partnerships towards better learning. CambridgeJournal of Education 30 (3), 405-419.

Scott, S., & Webber, C. F. (2008). Evidence-based leadership development: The 4L framework. Journal of Educational Administration, 46(6), 762-776.

Showers, B., & Joyce, B. (1996). The evolution of peer coaching. Educational Leadership, 53(6), 12-16.

Sparks, D., & Hirsh, S. (2000). A national plan for improving professional development. Oxford, OH: National Staff Development Council.

Participating in the Change in Education for Alberta- Possible Learning Outcomes for Science

Currently Alberta educators are embarking on a process to change the system of education to better meet the needs of the learners of today for tomorrow. Given this task, the Calgary Board of Education is in a process assembling the thoughts and ideas of all stakeholders about what this future will look like. We are engaged in a design process which involves the sharing of ideas, conversing about what matters in teaching and learning, and attempting to capture the essence of what is possible for future curriculum documents. Documents which: are dynamic not static; are flexible not ridged; will better ensure that students acquire the skills they need for their future.

I recently participated in a Curriculum Prototyping - Outcomes - Math and Science meeting to address what would be the overarching learning focus for students in a science classroom and what are some possible learning outcomes that we might put forward to guide the teaching and learning for the future science classes.
The idea of what a student should know after being taught science throughout their schooling re-emerged for me during a Science/Math system Learning Leaders meeting. Marina Clark, Science Specialist for the Calgary Board of Education, shared with the group a conversation that she had with a local Geologist about what he thought kids should know after they leave school. His idea was that students should understand the concept: “The earth is old and has seen great change.” Embedded within this statement are years of study and numerous topics to be explored, many of which are interconnected between other disciplines. It was this statement that sparked me to reflect on what I would want my three young children to know about and from science after they left school.

There I sit on a couch, my children just put to bed, and I begin reflect inspired during my meeting that day. My wife, Laura (who also happens to be a science teacher) and I start to throw around some of the big ideas which we felt make up the core of science. Here is our list:

Possible Learning Outcomes for the Future Science Curriculum:

1.       All life on Earth is interconnected.
2.       The sun is the source of energy for all life on Earth.
3.       Science is a clearly defined process subject to interpretation.
4.       Technology and science are deeply interconnected.
5.       Science uses language, symbols, mathematics and diagrams to communicate our current understanding of our world.
6.       Science involves manipulate skills.
7.       Living organisms are structured in complex and interconnected systems.
8.       Our understanding of our world has changed greatly and continues to change as new information emerges.
9.       Science is compelling in its predictive power as a result of its theories and laws.
10.   All matter is made of tiny particles which have characteristic and uncharacteristic behaviour.
11.   The earth is old and has seen great change.

 I brought forward these ideas that Curriculum Prototyping- Outcomes meeting. It was very powerful to have the opportunity to engage in conversation with others about their thoughts and ideas. The list that Laura and generated became the starting point for the conversation. Upon reflection and through our conversation numerous modifications to the outcomes became apparent. In addition, new thoughts arose such as: how science is about finding the connections between ideas that were not connected before; there are ethical considerations which students need to be aware which the field of science wrestles with daily; and careers in science are everywhere around us. Concerns were brought forward about maintaining the integrity of the discipline. Finally, six learning focuses emerged from the list: 1. process, 2. change, 3. energy, 4. interconnections, 5. structure and functions and 6. systems/organization. Clearly, we had just begun.

 Having the opportunity to engage in this type of conversation was powerful, thought provoking, and at the heart of what a future vision of education is about. I would encourage everyone to participate in such conversations, ensuring that the voice of Alberta teachers, the wisdom of the profession, is shared with Alberta Education. It is of the utmost importance that we support, through the sharing of our thoughts, idea and comments, Alberta Education’s effort to best prepare our students for their future.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Board-work: Students using Whiteboards to Make Their Learning Visible

There is nothing more exciting as a teacher, when you have that moment, the moment that you get out of the way and listen to what the kids are saying and they are just exploring ideas. Today I listened and watched a number of students talking about how to create a Lewis dot diagram for a number of molecules that they have yet to encounter. I listened to them say; “Try this. . . that doesn’t work, what should we do?, Try this. . .. I stood back in utter excitement knowing that they were in the full throws of learning something. THEY WERE LEARNING. I did not need to give them a test. I did not need to give them a quiz. They were in the zone, that special zone where it is not too easy but yet not too hard. Just at the end, when they exhausted all their ideas, I was called over and they asked for help. I gave them a couple of suggestions and then, the insight, the HUGE smile on their faces and the laughter that followed. It is just that moment that we as teachers all live for. Needless to say I felt as though I was making a difference.

I have to be quite honest that these moments seem to be occurring more and more for me as a teacher. I have to give credit to where it is due. I would like to share with you my insight.

Last year I was given the opportunity to teach in a classroom with a colleague who was teaching a math course. Our math department, phenomenal I might add, has been exploring an idea of how to get students more engaged in Math. After attending a conference with Peter Liljedhal from Simon Fraser University, our math teachers were inspired.  Who can doubt inspired education? Not me. As a result they have made a movement toward the incorporation of the latest and greatest technological advance in teaching, the whiteboard, and lots of them. The intention in their math classes is to have students doing math up out of their seats and doing it in small groups on a whiteboard. They have put up whiteboards on all the walls of their classrooms where there is space. The work that they are getting to do is affectionately referred to as “Board-work”.

Board-work is
1.       Cooperative and active
2.       Visible for others
3.       A great opportunity for formative feedback
4.       Time saving
5.       Engaging
6.       Promotes risk taking 

So what does board work look like in a classroom? Board-work is corporative and active by design. Students are working together in small groups. Often the teacher will have their students assigned into random groups of anywhere from two to six students. These groups will be assigned a set of problems for which all are responsible to try and solve. Students work together on a whiteboard, one writing others helping, monitoring, learning in the moment. If a group gets stuck, they can just look around the room and see what other groups are up to. Group learning is at the forefront of this organizational approach to learning.

Board-work is a visible for others and a great opportunity for the teacher to provide formative feedback resulting in lots of time saved. Students see that there are a number of different ways to solve a problem. As a teacher it is mind blowing. Rarely is there such an opportunity to provide such instant formative feedback to student work. Often we are organized in such a way that students work at their desk, a teacher circulates, provides individual help, and students may get some help from a neighbor. With board-work a teacher can help four students at a time and neighboring groups can listen in. Common mistakes become instantly visible for others to see and the teacher can address the whole class quickly to correct the issue. Making student work visible for others by bringing the work up off the worksheet and into a public form is another of its strengths.

Students love it. In a conversation with a colleague out in the hallway, I was asking, do you think that this approach could be extended beyond math and be used in a science classroom? His response, “Let’s ask.” He proceeded to stop numerous students in the hallway and ask them two questions: 1. “What do you think of board-work?” and 2. “Do you think that it could be done in Science?” It was a fantastic insight for me as I listened to student after student just light up and respond with how much they liked it. Additionally it was an overwhelming yes to the thought of doing it in a science class. One student even went as far as to say, “Could you convince my Chemistry AP teacher to do it?” Board-work in my experience is engaging.

Finally, board-work promotes risk taking in the simplest of ways. As students write on a piece of paper, and there is a mistake that needs to be corrected it seems to be so much more difficult to correct. When writing on a whiteboard, a student is more likely to feel the freedom to explore a variety of different ideas. With others, students will explore these ideas through conversation using the whiteboard as the visual for the exploration. Students often will say that is it so much easier and acceptable to make a mistake on the whiteboard as it is easily corrected. “I can simply erase it.”

It has been my goal has been to incorporate more board-work into my practice as a science teacher. Recently, inspired by the work that our math department has been doing I have discovered what structures might enhance the opportunity for these moments. I have found that taking a large group of students and dividing them up into 6 large tables (merging 6 individual desks) I have created an environment whereby I have enough room to visit everyone comfortably, students are ready to converse and get involved in group learning. Having each of these groups sitting next to a whiteboard is an open invitation for students to explore their ideas on the board. There is the opportunity for peer teaching, collaboration on a problem and me as the teacher to provide formative feedback.

If you are looking for one approach which can have a dramatic impact on teaching and learning, making learning visible in a classroom for you and others alike, I would have to say board-work is a great answer.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Highlighting Barriers of Learning for Students- Making Visible Student Learning

In my experience as a teacher I have used a number of different approaches to beginning the semester with my high school science classes. There is the dissemination of information approach; students arrive, I hand out a number of informational pieces, we review them, students get their textbooks, we talk about classroom expectations and then move into the first lesson. There is the” let’s get hands on” approach: students are given a task to get started with, a lab exploration exercise, completing a hands-on activity, we review the experience and then use the dissemination of information approach above. This year I tried something a little different. The conversation centered on learning and where the students were in regards to their own learning.
At the heart of this approach is a little seven question survey that a colleague of mine, Brett Dibble, created based on reading from John Hattie’s (2012) book “Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning”. According to Hattie (2012), from his extensive meta-analysis of educational research, there are ten self attributes that students bring to the classroom which impact their ability to learn. These include: self-efficacy (the confidence or strength of belief that we have in ourselves that we can make our learning happen); self-handicapping (when students choose impediments or obstacles to performance that allow them to deflect the cause of failure away from themselves); self-motivation (is the learning itself the source of satisfaction or are extrinsic rewards the source of motivation); self-goals (students view “ability” to be something that can be developed by increasing effort); self-dependence (students have the ability to self-regulate, keeping themselves on task); self-discounting and distortion (students do not accept feedback as valuable, accurate and worthwhile); self-perfectionism (setting standards for yourself that are so demanding that we cannot meet them and thus are not worthwhile to try); hopelessness (a student’s view of themselves as a helpless individual unable to change their situation); and social comparison (comparing your work and abilities to others). Each one of these attributes are worthy of bringing to the attention of all learners. In doing so, we offer an opportunity to set goals for improvement. Enter a little survey with great insights for students and teachers alike.
Brett  took this list of self attributes and turned it in a 7 question survey. The survey responses are use a six point Likert scale, one being strongly disagree and six being strongly agree. The survey reads as follows:

Answer questions 1-7 based on (1) being strongly disagree and (6) being strongly agree:

1.       I compare my marks and success based on other classmates

2.       I am a perfectionist when I do schoolwork

3.       I feel like I cannot improve

4.       I find feedback that I get from my teacher to be useful

5.       I can monitor my own learning (example: making sure you are handing in assignments, studying for tests ahead of time, not having to be told to do your work)

6.       I am able to focus on my work and not procrastinate

7.       I find I am appropriately challenged in class

 As well all do, when as a teacher we see something we know would be great for students, we borrow it. This semester students completed the survey as the first task that they had in my class for the semester. To me, in this act, I have shown to my students that learning is going to take priority in this class. It is my full intention to ensure that students improve, not only in their understanding of science but in their learning overall.
Upon completion of the survey we had a discussion about the different items on the list. I conveyed to them that each one of these pointed to a barrier that could exist to their success in learning.  For example, in comparing your work to others you take the focus off yourself. Success, as defined by John Wooden (one of the great coaches and mentors in modern history), is “peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” His definition is one which turns the focus on self- improvement as opposed to an external measurement for growth. To those students that tend to compare their work to others and use it as a justification for what they do I hope to open their eyes to a new possibility. There-in lies the possibility to reaching a greater happiness, the great satisfaction of self-improvement. This is only one of the seven items that I speak to. Each one addressed and displayed as an idea for consideration.

After our discussion I asked students to set goals for themselves in their own learning for the rest of the semester. The students were asked to focus on one of the areas on the survey that they felt that they could improve upon. My hope is that in an effort to bring their attention to the different barriers that exist for learners that they might grow in their own understanding of themselves as a learner making it more visible for themselves.

Hattie, J.  (2012).  Visible Learning for Teachers- Maximizing impact on learning.  New York, N.Y.: Routledge.

Wooden, J.  (n.d.).  The Official Site of Coach John Wooden. Retrieved from